Our mission at Social Outcomes Security is simple:
We aim to create employment and establish employment pathways for those that face barriers engaging in mainstream employment.
SOS’s target cohorts are people unemployed or under employed from disadvantage, with a specific focus on newly arrived, migrants and women in the workplace.
Our aim is to provide high-quality services for our valued clients.
Our team goes above and beyond to cater to each project’s specific needs.
Through open communication and exceptional service, we understand the needs of our clients and tailor our service to meet their requirements.
The demand for ethical and socially conscious goods and services is growing rapidly.
SOS is the only social enterprise operating in Australia that offers ethically and socially conscious security services.
We employ ethically
You help the community by working with us!
Sam Giacomin - Director
Samuel Giacomin is a proficient leader in the security industry. He had dedicated over 20 years of his professional life to the industry, performing a multitude of roles, including general security services, crowd controlling, security management, to his current role as Founding Director of SOS Security. ​
Samuel Giacomin is a strong advocate for social justice and is passionate about diminishing, the over-representation of worker exploitation, that is widespread in the security industry. His inspiration to achieve equal opportunity originates from his previous employment experiences in the community and welfare sector. Through his altruistic desire to help those in need, he performed many roles including, individual support, counselling and case management, community development, training and education, personal development programs and mental health support.
Samuel Giacomin has also emulated a strong educational foundation and currently holds qualifications in both Bachelor of Arts Youth Affairs (RMIT University 2001) and Bachelor of Social Sciences - Social Work (Advanced Standing) (Latrobe University, 2007). ​
Additional to his educational and employment undertakings, he has also completed a Diploma - Workplace, Training and Assessment (TAE50111), which has enabled him to develop proficient skills and employment experience as a trainer, assessor and facilitator, teaching at numerous tertiary and higher educational institutions, namely Victoria University and Holmesglen Institute.